Unlocking Quality Healthcare with THCQ Consulting: Our Logo Explained
Our logo reflects our commitment to helping clients achieve forward-thinking business goals while improving health outcomes in a rapidly evolving industry.
At THCQ Consulting, our logo serves as a powerful representation of our core values and symbolically showcases how we help biopharmaceutical companies unlock key health care quality-based market insights. We devise optimal strategies with our biopharma clients to help achieve improved patient outcomes, experiences, care costs, and health equity objectives. We also collaborate with providers and payers towards those same objectives.
Enhancing high quality health care delivery and patient outcomes is a universal concern that affects us all and is something we all care about. It is a complex process to fundamentally improve and transform a system as large as the healthcare industry.
The THCQ logo reflects our team’s unique approach to helping clients draw healthcare quality insights that are strongly relevant to their businesses. We bring multiple vantage points to this work.
Accordingly, when you look at the logo, depending on one’s vantage point, you might see two perspectives: a series of 3-dimensional boxes or upward pointing arrows. This type of mental reframing reflects how THCQ Consulting assesses its clients’ challenges to be solved and the solutions we recommend.
In our logo, you’ll notice the 7 upward-pointing chevrons that are reflective of how we help clients and partners develop aspiring, innovative, value-added, and sustainable strategies that achieve business goals and go toward improving patient health outcomes.

Each chevron in our logo represents one of the World Health Organization 7 key dimensions that help define what high quality care should be: effective, safe, person-centered, timely, equitable, integrated, and efficient.
At its core, our logo symbolizes that care should be:
Effective: evidence-based healthcare services are provided to those who need them
Safe: people are protected from harm during care
Person-centered: services are individualized based on preferences, needs and values.
But in order to realize the benefits of effective, safe, and person-centered care, health services must also be:
Timely: avoids harmful delays and increased waiting times
Equitable: quality of care and outcomes do not vary based on gender, ethnicity, zip code, and socio-economic status
Integrated: care that makes available the full range of health services throughout the life course
Efficient: maximizes the benefit of all available resources and avoids waste
By partnering with biopharmaceutical companies to deepen their competency surrounding healthcare quality and value-based care strategy, we not only help improve the quality of care, we make a real difference in the lives of patients as well as our clients’ businesses.
While the THCQ Consulting logo represents our brand, it also reflects our commitment to helping clients achieve forward-thinking business goals while improving health outcomes in a rapidly evolving industry.
Thanks for reading!
Interested in hearing your thoughts,
Norris Turner, PharmD, PhD
President & CEO, THCQ Consulting, Inc.
Questions for you:
1. Do you see anything symbolic in our company logo that reflects health care quality or quality improvement?
2. Does anything else symbolically come to mind for you upon reflection of what we say about our logo in this article?
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